Chronic Illness Resources

Doctors Appointment Notes Gracefully Ill Organized to keep track of doctors notes with chronic illness

(Other) Disability related resources:
-How to Keep House While Drowning  – by KC Davis LPC (@strugglecare)
(a gentle approach to house keeping and self care,  wonderful book for people with chronic conditions
and/or who are neurodivergent – or for anyone struggling with keeping up — mess and illness are not moral failures)

Cozy books:

Brave Enough by Cheryl Strayed

All Along you were Blooming by Morgan Harper Nichols

The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy

Heart Talk: Poetic Wisdom for a Better Life by Cleo Wade

Gracefully Ill: Finding Peace in the Chaos of Chronic Illness by Colleen George

Helpful chronic illness related websites:

Chronically Capable

Job Accommodations Network

The Mighty